Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The past couple days...

The past couple days have been... hard. Its been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. I'm trying to be present for others as they struggle, yet I'm also dealing with my own issues.

I heavily debated telling someone who is no longer a part of my life some news, but I realised that them being aware (or not) of the situation really didnt matter. What would be the point in reaching out or sharing? They are no longer a source of comfort or support or... well... anything. I decided against it instead. I let it go and I'll figure it out.

Work is an absolute disaster. I'm completely overwhelmed by anxiety, both my own and the projected anxiety of others as this company collapses in on itself. I'm actively looking for an out.

I've been struggling with headaches lately too, and I just feel run down and sick. Yay stress!

I'm ready to start breathing again. But just for this small moment, I acknowledge how I'm feeling right now:

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