Friday, July 6, 2018

Mindful Remembrance and Gratitude

From a daily affirmation email series on grief, this was in my inbox this morning:

At this challenging time, it’s often very difficult to embrace ‘gratitude’: that state of utter thankfulness for being alive, in the entire splendor around us. If you can take just a few minutes to be grateful: for the time you spent with your loved one, for the richness of the relationship; even for the depth of the feelings you are experiencing.

Rise up from resting, and feel the quiet happiness that comes with gratitude.
If you’re ready, make a list of the blessings in your life; your friends, your family, your job, your house. Be specific. Examples could be “I love the warmth I feel through the windows and the light that shines into my kitchen in the morning.” “I am thankful for the fresh eggs I have to cook this morning for breakfast.””I am thankful for my friend, Joe, who always makes me laugh.”

Quotation for the Day

Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude. ~ Denis Waitley

I am struggling with grace. After another sleepless night, I decided to pray. I took out my rosary and began to pray. I didnt get through the whole thing, but the words soothed me and I was eventually able to sleep a little.

I realized that over the course of the last 6 months, I have learned a few lessons. I have learned to listen to my intuition. I've had bells and whistles going off inside me for months and I tried to write it off as simply anxiety or insecurity. As it turns out, those very fears I had were completely legitimate. That's not to say that I dont still have a lot of work to do. If anything, I have even more now, but I'm more inclined to trust my inner voice, to tap into the source of Something Greater, and actually listen.

I have also learned to accept what people say at face value. Going back through old communications via text and email, I realized that the words were there all along, wrapped in a warm blanket of potential. I can't pretend that I was lead on, even if my bruised ego would like to cling to that. It was very clear that I was never an option, not beyond his initial "I met someone" post, and subsequent "nope, not for me." His most recent declaration of his new found love was grossly familiar. Even down to the verbiage about his "what I want in a partner" list. The posts are so similar it made me sick to my stomach initially.

But I can't keep comparing myself to another. Am I still last to be picked to join the team? Yep. This seems to be my fate, but that is only a reflection of that person's inability to see me fully, not my inherent self worth.

I know that I am a good person. I know that I am worthy of Something Greater. 

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