Saturday, July 7, 2018

Sold As Is

I have been struggling with my physical appearance lately, obviously. My comparisons to others in previous posts, picking myself apart until there is nothing left. A friend suggested taking some Snapchat pictures, to make myself feel better, but every picture I took felt fake. The filters change your shape and twist you into something other than yourself. I have another app I use for my photo editing called Prisma. The filters offered don't change the truth behind the photo, only add an "artistic touch." I took a photo tonight that I really like. I see myself as beautiful in this picture. Most of my face is obscured, but the eyes are the windows to the soul... and this picture lets the viewer look right into my soul, and Goddamn, it is beautiful! I have a beautiful heart and an incredible spirit within me that no one can touch, taint, or even dream of breaking. I am living my most authentic life, in this present moment.

I stopped by my parents cottage and went out on the water. The sun on my skin, the wind in my hair, the feel of the water at my fingertips... it was the medicine I had been needing. I focused on the breath and just... let go. I closed my eyes and leaned into the warmth and the breeze and just soaked it into my core. I took it in and was overcome by loving kindness towards myself. "I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order." - John Burroughs

I am true to my most authentic self. I am a work in progress, but I am enough exactly as I am. 
Sold as is. No refunds. No substitutions. 

I forgive myself for buying into the illusion that I am lacking in anyway.

I am enough. 

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