Sunday, June 24, 2018

"Happy Anniversary"

I was woken up at 5am by hands on my ass. Rubbing, squeezing, trying to gently coax my legs apart. Still foggy, I made a dissatisfied sound and squirmed out from under the hands. They stopped momentarily and I started to fall back asleep. Again, the hands started and I growled out "no!" as I rolled away. Instead of leaving me alone, he pulled back the sheet covering me and started to move his face in to start kissing my back and ass. I bolted upright, said loudly "Stop. Please." and covered myself back up with the sheet.

He didnt say a word, just sighed heavily and went back downstairs. He finished getting ready to go.

He came back upstairs to tell me he was leaving and proceeded to lean on my broken wrist in doing so. I yelped and he recoiled. "Geez, sorry." He said he was leaving and taking our son with him last minute. I told him to be careful. As he pouted and slinked back down the stairs, he muttered, "Happy Anniversary."

Needless to say, I am now wide awake. I do not feel safe here. He is incapable of respecting my boundaries. He is incapable of listening the first 2 times I asked/gave signals to stop. I said no, and he didn't.

I refuse to stay here again. If it means sacrificing my sleep, so be it.

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