Wednesday, June 13, 2018

A Strange Intersection

I feel like I have arrived at a strange intersection in my life. I've been having multiple phone interviews over the past several days, and yesterday I had a 2 hour face to face interview. The position was very similar to what I'm doing now, and using software and systems I'm familiar with. I asked strong questions of them they weren't expecting, and we had some really good dialogue about what I could bring to the table. If the money is right, the commute would be worth it, plus I can then start looking for apartments. As much as I love living at my parents for free, there is emotional rent that I'm paying by being here. To be clear, it's far better than the alternative, but I'm looking forward to having some of my own space to breathe in. Eventually. Someday.

I have a couple other positions pending that I'm waiting to hear back on scheduling face to face interviews, but I'm really not feeling 100% about any of them. Most of them are full time, and that makes me a little nervous, but I really don't have much of a choice. I need to take care of some things, which means other things need to be sacrificed. My energy is the lamb, it seems.

But other than standing at this career crossroad, things feel like they are moving in a good direction in my life. I'm formulating a more solid plan for my exit strategy, my relationship with my kids continues to gain strength, I've attended an orientation to help volunteer with a really cool organization that is close to my heart and puts me back into a community I had been terribly missing, and I'm feeling so much less anxious than the previous months... Less restless and less squirrely. I'm feeling pretty content, even though there are so many unknown variables up in the air. I have placed my Trust in the process, and know that as long as I keep doing what I need to, everything will come out okay.

It's a good day.

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