Saturday, June 23, 2018

Grad Party

Today was a bit of a roller coaster. I spent all day with my kids and their father, and I'm exhausted.

We went to a movie (the new Jurassic world) and small boy and I cried through a good chunk. Several scenes felt like a punch in the childhood, but it was very well done. I am a huge dinosaur fan, always have been, and my excitement over these films has always been reminiscent of keeping my childlike wonder. If you ever want to see me truly giddy, take me to a natural history museum with dinosaur bones.

After sniffling my way through another dinosaur extinction, it was off to a graduation party. Part of me didnt want to go, as this would be spending time with the kids fathers extended family. But part of me also wanted to go, as the graduates parents are divorced and decided to have a joint party. I wanted to observe the dynamic and take notes for the future. Unfortunately the crazy alcoholic aunt was there and she quickly spiraled out of control. Her keys were taken and we ended up staying later than I wanted, as we got involved in securing her safe passage home.

During the party, the kids dad proclaimed that he would be leaving at 5am the next morning to head up north to put my parents dock in. Without my kids room finished at my parents, this essentially traps me in his house overnight. There's no way I'm able to wake up at 4:30am to get back to the house for him to leave at 5am. I'm a little pissed that my mother KNOWS THIS, yet coordinated these plans with him, without me. I told her everything that was planned for this weekend, so this really wasnt the best weekend for him to disappear for 6 hours Sunday morning. But plans were made and hes doing a "good will gesture" to help out my parents. Good will or not, he bitched to every member of his family that he "had to help my parents at 5am." They all gave him a sympathetic "that sucks!" I was ready to spit nails. If helping my invalid father and exhausted mother is really that much of an inconvenience that you are going to constantly complain, GO FUCK YOURSELF.

So I'm hiding out upstairs. It's hot, even with the windows open. I'm annoyed with being here. I keep reminding myself that I'm so close, that this is temporary and I can make it this last week.

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