Friday, May 4, 2018

July 1, 2016

According to the Social Security Administration, the date that I "allegedly" became disabled is July 1, 2016. Well, on my second application anyways.

I had a meeting this morning at SSA where they reviewed my application and asked questions to amend it, so it would make the most sense. Like, why did I go back to work full time after I filed (and was denied) Social Security Disability Benefits in 2014? Well, the government declared I wasn't disabled, and since I "had another hand" I could work in a different field. So I tried. I tried and it didn't quite work out. So in July of 2016 it became evident that I couldn't work full time anymore.

This particular interview was just about my work history and what it is exactly that I do. When I asked about the medical stuff, my case worker said that it would all be reviewed in the next 30 - 60 days, and that they would mail me a letter of determination. She said it can take as long as 6 months if they have a hard time collecting medical records or verifying my employment. I completed all the information online, but there really wasn't a place for me to explain what it is like to live with Ehlers Danlos. All I can put down are the symptoms: chronic dislocations, hypermobility of my joints, fibromyalgic pain, chronic fatigue... But that isn't what living with this is like.

It's waking up every morning and doing a quick assessment to see what may have slipped out of place while I slept, and figuring out how to pop it back before pain registers. Its having to think about every step I take - willing my body to stay put together, concentrating with each step "ankles in, knees in, don't hyper extend, don't roll." Lather, rinse, repeat. It's looking at a basket of laundry and having to guess how much it weighs, and how likely it will be to sublux my wrist and fingers just by picking it up. It's tensing up every time I am near a dog who jumps up, or has a tail or body right at knee level - even when it's my own dog. It's having to explain to nosey clients, cashiers, complete fucking strangers on the street why I have ring splints all over my fingers, and why my hand looks kinda funny. It's having to make sure I don't wack an already broken fused wrist on tables, walls, chairs, doorways because my brain still registers that hand as functional and I literally forget that I can't bend it out of the way and I'm left not only feeling pain, but feeling stupid for not knowing better. Its waking up with tendonitis in my right hand/wrist and not knowing if today is the day that my other hand is going to fall off... That I will no longer be able to type, to drive, to cut my own fucking food...

So I'm a little frustrated today. With the process. With my body. With the unknown variable of what my body will do next to fail me. I never know what is coming, and that is really scary and frustrating sometimes.

May is Ehlers Danlos awareness month... Yay?

I just feel very small and alone in this moment. I'm running out of options and I'm trying to figure out how to provide for myself and my family. It's possible I may not qualify for anything because I'm still married, and that sucks too.


On a different note, but also somewhat frustrating... I made a couple more fluid paintings yesterday. They were both quite interesting to me, and apparently they gained the attention of my mother. She knows the process. She knows they take weeks to dry. So why she felt compelled to fucking touch one of them and drag her finger down the middle of it is beyond me. It wasn't just a little smudge in the corner... She dragged her finger across it. She admitted to me when I got back from my appointment that she couldn't help herself and she "touched it because it was so pretty..." but it's wet fucking paint... I resisted the urge to snap at her to keep her fingers out of my creative processes, that she had no right to touch it, and she does NOT have permission to meddle in things concerning me. Those thoughts raced through my mind... But I looked at her face, her body language - she looked genuinely sad and embarrassed and I told her I was a little annoyed, but perhaps she should just refrain from touching the canvases without asking first. She said that was fair... and that she was expecting me to be mad.

"Well, you did just single handedly ruin my budding art career, but I'm sure I'll figure something else out since it's now over forever and I'm never going to make another one of these things ever again..."

I laughed it off and she stopped holding her breath. I think she was expecting a similar explosion to the ones I have been dishing out to my father lately.

Not today, Mom. I'm too tired. 

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