Tuesday, May 22, 2018


I don't have many dreams while I sleep anymore. Not that I remember anyways. Sometimes I'll wake with a start, knowing it was due to a dream, but no memory of the actual dream. Then out of the blue I'll have an extremely vivid dream, one where the details are clear, the colors and smells distinct, and my brain says "pay attention."

This morning I woke with the words "no one ever really goes away" on my lips. The dream was about my cat, Pandora. I had gotten a replacement, another one just like her. It WAS her... and an old coworker asked about reincarnation. I admitted to her that it was indeed Pandora and she shoot her head no. "But wouldn't that mean that no one ever really goes away?" She looked so sad. I got choked up too, yet smiled and said, "exactly."

Then I woke up.

No one ever really goes away...

I miss my cat.

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