Monday, May 28, 2018


"Listen. I can’t stress that enough. Listen. 
Diagnosis of EDS can take years. I showed signs and symptoms of it practically from birth. But because no one would listen to me, or believe that my pain was as bad as I said, it took over 10 years to get a diagnosis." -Christina Gooch (EDS advocate and writer)
This weekend I felt I had to yell to be heard when it comes to some of my EDS symptoms. I had to yell to people I shouldn't have to yell at. People I shouldn't have to explain myself over and over and over to. It was difficult and extremely invalidating. It's hard enough to have to fight the medical community to put two and two together to figure shit out, but it's another thing entirely when people you once trusted, once respected, also chime in on how your realism is a downer, and denial is much more optimistic.

Fuck optimism. Pretending I'm fine and ignoring the issue is more acceptable than actually listening to me and giving me the help I'm asking for? Denial runs deep in some circles. Circles I no longer want any part of.

I'm frustrated and I'm fired up.

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