Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Feeling A Little Defeated

I've been working really hard at both OT and PT the past 2 weeks. I'm tired, I'm sore all over, and I just feel blah. Yesterday was my designated stay at home with the kids day, and I just wanted to cry 75% of the day. It was SO HARD. I was just so tired... and my hands and wrists are just so shot, I couldn't wrangle the kiddo's like I used to. Previously simple tasks I took for granted are now next to impossible... Picking up my little boy, snapping him in his car seat, pushing a shopping cart...

I knew things were going to be different, that I was going to have to get used to the "new normal." I lost one career, the second is hanging in the balance. If I lose my identity as a parent too I'm not sure what will be left of me...

Keeping it together... barely.

In other news, still no word on my silver ring splints. The OT's suspect that the delivery may have been delayed due to the holiday. Fingers still crossed they arrive before Christmas... Silver lining indeed!

Of course as I'm feeling all mopey, I pop on facebook and am greeted by this:

Point taken, universe. Point taken... ;-)

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