Thursday, November 15, 2012

It's Been A Good Week

This week really has been good! I have "hired" a new primary care physician whom I REALLY like(she spent an hour talking with me... an HOUR), I was approved by my insurance for my silver ring splints, the OT is actually ORDERING my silver ring splints (yesterday, actually), I will be spending more time with my PT in the pool as of Friday, my car should be fixed by Saturday (Monday at the latest), my OT is also making me a custom splint for my L wrist so I can ditch this stinky dirty old brace - it will support my EUC, hold the distal head of my ulna down, and give me more mobility.

Heck yeah, a good week!

With the good must always come a twinge of bad. Last night I couldn't sleep as my hips, knees and ankles hurt so bad. It was pretty awful. But I'll gladly take all the good things that happened this week if I've only had one kinda poopy issue. The good FAR outweighs the bad. :D

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