Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Meeting a Potential Ring Leader...

I'm heading in to meet a new Primary Care Physician today. I'm really really hopeful that this will be the beginning of a great relationship. I contacted the rheumatologist that was previously recommended, but he's not accepting new patients until February 2013. I'm just hoping that she will be willing to help be my ring leader. I'm trying to compile a list of all my symptoms and issues and see if she can help with connecting the dots. Fingers are crossed! I'm sure I'll update later with how it went.

I also contacted my insurance company and they will cover my silver ring splints 80%. So that has saved a TON of money! Hoping to get those ordered and shipped asap! Since the weather has taken a turn for the colder, I've been in more pain lately.

I'm also contacting a lawyer to discuss social security disability benefits. Its worth a shot to at least talk about it. I can't do massage any more. I can't type effectively with one hand, nor can I do filing. Kinda makes my 2 career backgrounds obsolete. Looking into additional careers that don't involve your hands is HARD. So far I'm looking into energy work - reiki, craniosacral, etc. My OT's also suggested becoming a COTA (certified occupational therapist assistant) as they said I have the right personality for it, and the money is good. I'll look into it. :) I just don't know what to do in the meantime...

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