Monday, December 3, 2012

Silver Ring Splints

Someone got a Christmas present early... My silver ring splints arrived!! We somehow managed to miss ordering my left thump DIP joint, so that one has been re-ordered... but the rest are in my possession and on my fingers. I'm typing with them on RIGHT NOW. And I have to be honest... My fingers feel AMAZING. I cried at OT today as I zipped up my jacket to leave - I could actually zip up my jacket without any knuckles buckling. They didn't hurt. It was AMAZING. I feel so blessed to have these tools!!

Now to that I feared would be the tricky part... I needed to figure out a way to store them when I have to take them off! There are currently 17 of them (soon to be 18) and they are all different sizes. Well, technically 3 of them are the same size, but I just have to learn/memorize who goes on what joint! So I mentioned this to hubby and he suggested something really quite helpful! He went out and purchased a foam core block that has sections that punch out - it's originally used for storing miniatures - but it worked out just great for the rings! I punched out individual homes for each ring, and there was enough room left over to also create spots for my wrist brace and both thumb braces. Yay!!

And now, for some pictures!

What they look like from underneath:

Fingers all braced up and ready to go:

 My fingers look really really swollen in this picture:

Storage container, with all rings and braces inside:

Silver rings looking all sparkley and pretty:

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