Monday, November 5, 2012

This Circus Needs a Ring Leader!

I mean that in all seriousness - the circus that is my current medical condition needs a ring leader - someone who can keep track of all the different specialists I'm seeing, open the lines of communication a little better and be able to point me in the right direction with what to do next.

A General Practitioner.

I don't have a home base to go to inbetween specialists. Someone who can really do the research for me and figure out the next best thing to try. I have essentially been acting as my own ring leader and quite frankly that shit is exhausting. I have a hard enough time scheduling all these appointments with physical therapy, occupational therapy, orthopaedic surgeons and rheumatologists... But now that I'm feeling a little stumped (and annoyed as hell), I'm not sure where to go next.

Hypermobility can be really frustrating. Some doctors will just claim there is nothing wrong with you, others will tell you it's just an inconvenience... I need to find someone who will actually LISTEN and then WORK WITH ME to connect the dots.

I'm going to call the rheumatologist right now and see what he says about getting a second opinion.

I will not settle for "I can't help you" anymore.

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