Friday, November 9, 2012

Finger Splints pt II

Got the rest of my knuckles measured for my finger splints. Now the battle begins to get them ordered/paid for by my insurance company. I have a back up plan if that doesnt work out, but I would rather not go down that road. So fingers gently crossed for insurance coverage. Orthopaed is 100% in support of the splints and said she will write the prescription for them. I may have picture updates in a couple weeks of my newly splinted fingers!

She has also given me the recommendation of a couple other rheumatologists whom she feels would be more appropriate. One of which is the same name that my moms PCP recommended (the same PCP I'm meeting with on tuesday!). I'll give this new guy a call and see what he says. Hoping he's more supportive and less of a shit than the last one.

Told both the PT and the ladies in OT about my verbal boxing match with poopy-rheum. They were all so proud of me for speaking up and not settling. I'm pretty proud of me too. :)

I also talked with the PT a bit today about the different types of Ehlers Danlos. She suspects I may have type I or type II, in addition to hypermobility type, but as she's not an MD, she can't diagnose me (which I knew, its just been nice to pick someone elses brain who knows a lot about it!). I think I'll do a couple posts on just the different types, just for knowledge sake.

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