Saturday, November 24, 2012


I hosted Thanksgiving this year and I tried to pace myself with all the food prep a couple days before. I still over did it and didn't ask for nearly as much help as I actually needed (I did a gluten-free menu this year). I've been paying for it the past couple days. Unfortunately my spouse doesn't completely understand that recovery isn't a one day deal. I still am in more pain than normal and I just feel weak. I've made the decision not to complain, as best I can, but my patience is non-existant today. It's not fair to my family.

But I do want to say that I am thankful for many things. I am thankful for a family who is trying to understand, trying to be supportive. I am thankful for a team of doctors and therapists who are working with me to get to my "new normal." It really is a blessing.

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