Wednesday, March 14, 2018


"The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities." - Stephen Covey

Today's meditation touched on priority. Releasing the sense of urgency and allowing yourself to be present in this very moment - letting go of everything else. That what feels urgent may actually be simply a distraction from what is really important, and lead us down a dangerous path towards neglect of what is truly meaningful.

As the meditation concluded, I made a list of what I felt my life goal priorities should be, vs what I was being distracted by with urgency. (my immediate urgent distractions involve social media, emails, and texts) So here are my priorities, in no particular order:

Family - making sure that my children are safe, comfortable, and loved
Self Care - making sure that *I* feel safe, comfortable, and loved
Artistic Expression - Giving myself time and permission to begin the creative process again
Divorce - Refiling and following through to completion

I contacted 4 separate attorneys and already have 2 consultations scheduled. I have made the difficult decision that I really can't do this by myself, and I'm interviewing for appropriate legal guidance. It's the right move for me.

Scheduling my other priorities is also within sight. I'm maintaining my daily meditations (part of my self care routine) and I am making time each evening to read for at least 30 minutes. I've read more books in the last 7 days then I have in the previous 7 years combined. Scheduling my artistic expression is a little harder to do, as that isn't an all the time feeling or want. But I have the tools ready and waiting for when inspiration hits.

As for my kids - Since I have implemented "no spend March" they have essentially been forced into spending more meaningful time with me. We have had some really great conversations about difficult topics (death, body changes, peer pressure, etc) and I honestly feel that they KNOW they can come to me with their questions without fear of judgement, and that honesty and being open are always welcome with me.

Today was a good day, and as I embrace change, rather than struggle against it, I seem to be more at ease, more comfortable, more content. Going with the flow without surrendering my priorities to it.

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