Wednesday, March 21, 2018


After taking kids to school this morning, I stopped at Trader Joe's. It was on the way back to mom and dads, and I had a little cash left over from errands I ran for mom the night before. I picked up a couple bunches of flowers to add a little color and life to the room both of my parents currently occupy.

They are fresh and pretty and mom seemed to enjoy them. Dad hasn't noticed them yet, but I also don't expect him to.

The nausea and vomiting has returned with a vengeance. He can't keep anything down. He is tired and weak and just so frustrated. Last night as I sat with him, another bout of vomiting hitting him hard, be began pleading... Begging "please" to no one and everyone all at once. It was humbling to sit in his presence during that dark moment - sitting quietly, being present, baring witness to his struggle. But I was also ready to step in once the urgency of the evacuation had passed. Armed with cool washcloths to gentle wipe up his face, and another to lay across his forehead. Being present, but also being actively present too.

He does not have to suffer through this alone.

None of us do. There is gentle support and presence all around us, whether we take notice of it initially or not.

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