Friday, March 16, 2018

100th Post

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Well then. It only took me several years to get to the 100th post. I kinda feel proud - as that is an accomplishment! On the other hand, I feel a little silly for feeling proud about it. But I think my greatest sense of pride about it comes from the fact that I started writing again. 2014 Was a bit of a kick in the teeth, but I've slowly been crawling back out of my shell and really getting comfortable with me again. Some processes take longer than others, obviously.

Speaking of processes, I had a really good introductory phone call with an attorney yesterday. She answered my questions thoughtfully and honestly - she didn't sugar coat anything and she seemed reasonable. I have another consultation on Tuesday with another firm. I'm moving forward and it feels right.

My father was just released from the hospital (again) and he is now settled back in the hospital bed in the living room. I understand that my mother is stressed, so I didn't take much offense to her yelling at me. Rather than yell back I simply stood up, stated my presence wasn't needed at this time, and walked back upstairs to my room. For a moment, I felt like I was a teenager again, and she was sniping at me for something completely unrelated to me (true in this case as well) and I did what I always do... Walk away. As soon as I got to my room and quietly clicked the door shut, I looked around and realized that this living arrangement HAS to be temporary. For the duration of the proceedings it will be perfect - stable environment, room for the kids, etc. But I'm also looking forward to getting into my own space too.

I had contemplated moving to the house in Mt Pleasant, but it doesn't make sense for me to be up there until I have a better idea of what my custody is going to look like. If he fights for (and wins) majority custody, living up there during the week makes sense. If we have 50/50, then I will need to stick around a little closer. I've made no real efforts to look into apartments, mostly because I can't afford them. But I am trying to continue to plan ahead, and gather information on my options.

My word for today was vision. I'm trying to keep my eyes on the prize, while also keeping an eye on things that pop up along the way. Grounded, yet focused. :)

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