Wednesday, April 11, 2018

A Little Experiment

My son has an interest in plants. In the spring he is nearly giddy with the thought of going to a greenhouse to pick out flowers for the front yard. He has lately been trying to grow any seed he comes in contact with. I have encouraged his interest, and there have been many trials and errors (mostly errors) and he tries to figure out germination.

Our latest little experiment were orange seeds. He kept the seeds from an orange he ate at lunch and carefully wrapped them in paper to be transported home. We put the seeds on a damp paper towel in a drinking glass and popped that sucker on top of the fridge. We'd been checking the moisture every other day, and he'd been watching intently for any signs of growth.

But he is 8, and after the first couple weeks, he got tired of waiting and watching with very minimal result. He lost interest in his project and asked if we could try an avocado seed instead. I told him to be patient, that growth takes time. He sort of rolled his eyes at me, muttered "fine..." and walked away.

2 days ago, after continued monitoring by myself, 2 of our little seeds sprouted. One sent out a bold root, the other has minimal roots, but has put forth a tentative little leaf.

God has been merciful today by lining up the lessons of the day gently, softly... He's set down the frying pan just for today and I am so thankful and grateful! My reading today was about turning light into food. It touched briefly on photosynthesis in the plant world, but then reflected on the photosynthesis in our own lives: "The smallest plant life in spring reveals to us both the challenge of being a spirit in human form and the quiet courage necessary to grow inwardly." -Mark Nepo

We still might feed the dark thing in us
that grows away from the light
until against all sense
we mysteriously flower
in the other direction.

I may not be in full bloom, or even beginning to bud yet, but I hope to one day. I have hope, and that is a beautiful unfurling all on it's own. 

The little seeds have a long way to go, as do I. But today I transplanted them from their paper towel into a little pot of soil to offer support as they continue their journey of growth. I'm not sure what my metaphorical "pot of soil" is just yet... But I suspect I am planted exactly where I need to be to continue growing with confidence. 

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