Thursday, April 26, 2018

A Gift From My Sister

I've had this post open most of the day, waiting for inspiration to hit. I feel compelled to talk about my sister, and an incredible gift she has given to me.

My sister has become an exceptional artist - born purely out of her own creativity and acceptance in letting go of her boundaries and self imposed limitations. She was the "smart one," my brother and I were the "artistic ones" - as deemed by those who thought they knew us. But the truth is that my sister is incredibly creative, and has a passion for the creative process that I have never seen before! Her life is so organized and meticulous, yet her creative process is messy and raw and she has finally found her safe place to relinquish all control, and it is such an amazing experience to bare witness to.

The gift is in the sharing. She has such a passion for this particular creative outlet, so much so that she wants to share it with others - to show them the beauty of letting go, of just trusting the process, of accepting and honoring what is, not what you think should be. There is profound medicine in the creative expression my sister has shared with me, and I am so moved. Moved and grateful! I have created a few of these pieces myself now, and I am growing addicted to the process! I want to move on to bigger canvases, mix my own palettes of color, and just pour my heart out!

The paintings I worked on with my sister while she was in town

For an example of the pieces we have been creating and the process it takes to complete them, here is a video that demonstrates the technique used.

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