Wednesday, February 7, 2018


With the recommendation of my therapist, I have started a practice of daily meditation. Since I really had never been "trained" how to do it, I decided to enroll myself in a 7 day mindfulness course using the Calm app. I just completed day 6, and admittedly, the practice is harder than I thought it would be. But something the instructor said during the guided meditation today struck a chord. Enough so that after the session was over, I went back and re-listened to that one portion.

"Mindfulness isn't about obtaining perfection, it's a practice of acceptance."

I'm working on being mindfully aware. Aware of my feelings. Aware of my actions. Aware of others feelings and actions. Taking it all in and just observing. Being present. Not trying to fix or control, just being present in each moment. Accepting things as they come, as they are. Taking it all in, and appreciating what is.

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