Monday, May 6, 2013

A Break

I mentioned I was going to head up north to my parents house for a bit of a break - a little reprieve of my life to just relax, heal, think, and be.

It was wonderful.

I sent an email to the bestie describing what I did, and I shall paste it here... Since it perfectly articulated what I did, why try to recreate the wheel. ;3

What I Did on My Summer Vacation

1) Ate Bacon
2) Ate Candied Bacon
3) Ate Smores
4) Ate Candied Bacon... ON a Smore (struck culinary genius with this one)
5) Printed stuff on tank tops
6) Made some crappy art
7) Took a (mostly) naked nap in the sun on the deck
8) Went for a hike with B'scotch
9) Ate Bacon
10) Played fetch with B'scotch for hours
11) Went for a 2 mile walk with B'scotch (walking in sand should count for 3x the activity)
12) Thought about who I've become - and that I don't care for her very much. Also thought about finally being honest with DH about who I feel I am - what I've been twisted into, and what I've done in the past. This TERRIFIES me, but I can't move forward with my head firmly wedged up my ass in the past. "You gotta put your behind in your past." 
13) Slept in a huge snuggley comfy bed.
14) Woke with the sunrise, went to bed when I was tired
15) Meditated
16) Did some gentle yoga poses/stretches
17) Laid in the grass and just listened...
18) Ate Bacon
Next time I will go up for more than 44 hours.
OH! I also took a couple baths... in the ginormous Jacuzzi tub. Just me and Buddha, chillin.
I suspect he's up to something...

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