Thursday, December 20, 2012

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, Knees and Toes!

Things had been pretty uneventful over the last several days. I took the day off of PT yesterday as I was feeling under the weather and now I'm regretting it. Last night I got the strangest pain in my shoulder. It was definitely a pulling/tearing sensation. I tried putting my arm in several different positions, hoping it would release. Nothing worked. Today it does feel a little better, but oddly by bicep is completely sore and my arm feels "heavy." Almost as if I can hardly lift it on my own. Normally my shoulders are pretty compacted, but this one seems to be sticking out slightly further today, and it's also sitting a solid inch lower than the right.

Of course it's on the left side.

What the hell is happening to me?? I get the why, I do. I was just hoping for a break... Is there no such thing as a break when your body tries unravelling and tearing itself apart?

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