Saturday, October 13, 2012

Pushed Too Hard?

Had my 5th session of OT on friday. It did not go well. I had pushed myself pretty hard the day before with my home exercises and was pretty sore. Get into OT and my wrist was very stiff and swollen. The therapist starts to do a gentle stretch and...


We both froze. I looked at her. She looked at me. Neither of use moved a muscle for a good 3 hard seconds. I swollowed. Hard. It started to hurt. She backed off the therapy for the day and taped my wrist. Told me to take a break from home exercise and just rest my hand/wrist the rest of the weekend.

"The tendon slipping has me concerned... I'm hoping that doesnt happen again."

Me too, lady. Me too.

I'm too depressed to say much else today. It was a bad pain day.

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