Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Occupational Therapy Begins

This morning I had my initial evaluation with the occupational therapist. First visits are always boring. Basically all she did was look me over, talk about my health history, and get my current range of motion measurements. The real fun starts Friday when I go in for my first session. She did give me a packet of exercises to start today, as well as scar massage she wants me to start.

I was pretty put out by how limited my ROM is. I cant yet turn my hand over. I know I need to be patient and this is going to be a learning process, but still. The notion of a "new normal" is something I'm having a hard time with. There are just so many "new normals" I'm trying to deal with all at once. Not sure which way is up. And I'm afraid to make personal demands... To really ask that my needs be met. I have to make it to these appointments and I need to make sure that I am demanding I have a means to get there. Sucks, but I have to make it work. With only one car, makes it interesting.


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