Monday, September 10, 2012

Wait, What Do You Mean I'm Not Super-Human??

So in my last post I mentioned a little bit about myself. One aspect was my annoying husband. So while I have been laid up with my most recent "put body parts back on" episode, I had been counting on him to step up his game around the house. Even before my surgery to get my hand put back together, I had been trying to prep him...

Me: You know, I'll be back in a cast again after my surgery... which means I won't be able to do jack. No dishes, no laundry, no changing the small boy's diapers...

Him: Yeah, sure, no problem babe. I've got this!

Here we are 3.3 weeks post-op and he clearly doesn't "got this!" The house had grown more cluttered, toys and stuff everywhere, dog hair in the corners, dishes piled in the sink, dirty wet towels on the bathroom floor... and annoying hubby comes home from work and complains about the mess, yet doesnt do anything about it. So yesterday I had had enough. I am not supposed to be using my left arm at all - so I attempted not to use it too much. The cast isnt waterproof, so that makes for a good reminder not to use it.

Let me tell you... if one handed dishwashing becomes an Olympic sport, I am headed for GOLD baby. Tho I admit, it was intensely awkward and I can only imagine comical to watch.

Kitchen? Cleaned.
Bathroom? Cleaned.

I even began sorting through childrens toys to be put away in their rooms.

I was a Domestic Goddess. A cleaning Super Hero, if you will. I was... a complete idiot.

While my family is basking in the glow of a little corner of cleanliness in the house, I am paying for it today. I hurt. My surgery arm burns like blazes and the rest of me is just sore. I over did it. I knew when I did it I would pay for it later... but I was just tired of listening to the complaining. And I know that all I did by giving in and getting it done was enable annoying hubby. Squeeky wheel gets the grease. Complain enough and bum-arm wife will do it for me.

I'm not Super-Human. Right now I don't even feel sub-human.

THIS is the hardest part of dealing with FM, JIS, and whatever auto-immune goodies I have brewing in my lab results... Not being able to do it all. I read an article about "Living with Lupus" and it did a beautiful job explaining how you only have so many spoons to spend per day. Each activity of the day takes a spoon and there are only so many to spend in a day. I'm not ready to admit I have a limited amount of spoons.

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