Friday, September 14, 2012


Everything I have read lately regarding living a healthier lifestyle is pushing "get plenty of sleep." I understand that during sleep is when your body resets and repairs. When your own system uses all those healthy nutrients you've been supplying it with throughout the day to repair the damage you caused it while you were awake.

Sweet. Let me get right on that. I LOVE to sleep!

Oh wait... I can't sleep through the night. I can't get comfy, can't tune out annoying hubby's snoring, can't turn off my brain...

So I tried cutting out caffeine last week. I ended up being crabby AND exhaused all the time... and still not sleeping through the night.

Rheum prescribed flexiril as a sleep aid. I wake up groggy and am still not sleeping well through the night. I just want some coffee... And pop... And SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR!!!!!

I admit, I totally have a sugar addiction. Yeah, I've been toasting marshmallows almost everynight on my stovetop this week. Healthy? Not even close... But tastes so good!!

I know my nutrition and lifestyle needs an overhaul. Starting is the hardest part, right?

So where do I start? No more proccessed sugar? No more gluten? No more caffeine? No more dairy? And how do I convince my family to hop on board with this? Annoying hubby has already stated that he will not give up pasta and bread. Flat out. Not giving it up. Period. I know I can swap out with GF options, but will the stubbornness and lack of support drive me to give up before I've even started? All I can do is try... Decide my life is more important than giving in to whining and kick my own butt into gear!

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