Wednesday, September 5, 2012

What's In A Name?

Picking a name for a blog is like naming a kid... You want it to be profound, to be unique, to be "just right" in capturing your hopes and dreams and putting forth the message you want to be heard, loved, accepted.

Keeping It Together.

Yep. It's completely on point. Keeping It Together is exactly what I'm trying to do right now. You see, dear reader, I have recently been diagnosed with Joint Instability Syndrome - thus the swanky "jointinstability.blogspot" web address. I'm literally trying to keep my body parts from falling off.

So what exactly IS Joint Instability Syndrome?

Hell if I know! But this blog will be my online playground where I plan to collect all the little tidbits I can about this oddity, and YOU get to come along for the ride! Or, if you've stumbled across this blog as you too have been diagnosed with JIS, welcome to the party! Hopefully what I learn and share may someday help someone else who is feeling lost, confused, afraid, and utterly alone too.

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