Monday, September 24, 2012

Ooo! Pretty!

Well, my cast came off this morning. I forget how painful moving joints post-op after they have been immobilized is! Yeeouch! I'm taking it easy until I can get in to see an occupational therapist. And now that the cast is off, I can schedule my physical therapy too. I see the rheumatologist again on the 24th of October, so I'll probaby get lab results and what not then.

So here's my wrist post op... the incisions really arent bad and they will heal up lovely!

back of wrist: tendon repair and scope

palm of hand: nerve release

I still have zero feeling in my armpit from the nerve block and pain pump, but that may (or may not) come back in its own sweet time.

My hand looks so skinny in that picture... LOL! Gotta love atrophe!

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