Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Joint Insta-what-now?

Ok, here's the low-down on me.

I'm 32 years old, female, 176lbs, have 2 small children, an annoying husband and we eat like crap. I know, not exactly "healthy." I've been battling dislocating body parts since I was 11. Mostly it's my kneecaps that blow, but I had my left knee reconstructed back in 2003. My hands and fingers are hypermobile as well. All was well until 2007. That is when I had my first baby and all hell broke loose. I essentially undid my surgery with all the fun pregnancy hormones that make your connective tissues go wonky (relaxin, to be more specific). Then in 2009 I had another baby. 18 months apart. WHEW! More wreckage as now I have diastasis too (seperation of the abdominal wall, giving me that always pregnant appearance. HOT).

In 2010 I started to notice something wasn't "right." Moreso than just my wonky joints. I was tired. REEEEEEEEEEALLY tired. All the time. I went to an internist. He thought I might have sleep apnea and sent me to a pulmonologist. Then that jerk of a doctor said "Um, maybe you're tired because you have 2 small children at home..." Gee, thanks. So I let it go.

February 29, 2012. I dislocated my forearm and part of my hand... by taking towels out of the dryer. Clearly this was bad news... Went to an orthopaedic and was put in a cast for 8 weeks. Cast came off and... hmm... somethings wrong with my hand. Sent to a hand specialist! She schedules me for surgery and strongly urges me to see a rheumatologist. I heed her advice and one week after my hand surgery, I am in to see the rheum. He is the one who hands me the mystery diagnosis of Joint Instability Syndrome. Oh, I also have Fibromyalgia to boot. Not to mention having an abnormal ANA blood test, so I just got all my labwork done yesterday to rule out Lupus. I'll keep ya updated when those results are in. Also had an echocardiogram to make sure whatever is causing my connective tissues to be "wispy" isnt doing the same crap to my heart.

Piece of cake, right? Shit...

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