Thursday, February 21, 2019


We have these engraved stories about who we are. Some of them are positive stories, others not so much. These stories can go way back into our past and are often formed by a parent, a friend, a boss or colleague. Sometimes all it takes is one persons opinion to create a story that can last a lifetime. Someone says something that makes us decide we're not smart, that we're unattractive, that we're weak, that we're a failure. From the moment that story begins, it continues to dictate our beliefs. It forms and limits our ideas about who we are, what we're good at, and what we're not. The stories we tell ourselves inform us of what risks we should and shouldn't take. If these beliefs make us feel self critical, insecure, or doubtful about our competency, we often second guess ourselves and lose self trust and courage. Sometimes we need to change our stories, and that starts by challenging them. We can do this with some reflective inquiry. We can ask, who created that story? When was it created? Is it entirely true? Does that story serve us to sustain? If not, can we let it go? And slowly, over time, we begin to tell ourselves new stories. Fresh stories that build our confidence in growth. Stories that are empowering and will provide us the opportunity to be the best version of ourselves. As Maryann Williamson said, "Let go of your story, so the universe can write a new one for you." Take a moment now to consider what stories you've been carrying and are ready to release. 
Tamara Levitt - Daily Calm

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