Thursday, February 7, 2019


Today in meditation I explored how the nature of change makes life impossible to predict. Everything is constantly in a forward momentum, and the only thing that determines whether it is fortuitous or unfortunate is my reaction.

I did get a little down last night, but this morning I woke with a renewed spirit of gratitude. I am so lucky to have 2 places that need my help in this present moment that are willing to pay me for my time. So I am shifting my focus a bit on who I'm helping when, but I'm still going to help both. This will help my financial situation tremendously. Perhaps it is "unfortunate" that both positions are short term, but on the other hand, this might end up being a complete blessing too. It is too soon to make that sort of judgement, and quite frankly I don't want to extend any more negative energy on it.

The bad news is nothing lasts forever. 
The good news is nothing lasts forever. 

I'm getting more and more comfortable with the impermanence of... well... everything. I somehow seem to get thrown curve balls a lot, but I'm getting better at thoughtfully stepping out of the way of them, rather than getting drilled when I "didn't see it coming" and then bitching and complaining about my misfortune and pain for a great while after.

My interest in self sabotage and hurt is dwindling. Now THAT is something I can recognize with certainty as fortuitous!

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