Saturday, February 2, 2013

Taking a Step Back

My last couple posts have seemed pretty bleak, which is appropriate, as I have been feeling that way lately. I have had more going on then just my body falling apart. My family life is a little shakey right now too. I've been trying to vocalize my needs, and I am simply not being heard. Or I'm being heard, and then deliberately ignored - which in my opinion is so much worse. I mentioned couples therapy to the hubby and he was confused. "Why would we need that?"  Oh I don't know, so that you hear and maybe acknowledge what I say? So that we can BOTH be armed with tools for coping with the "new normal?" So that we can figure out a game plan for moving forward?

In response to me leaving and spending the night at my parents the other night (again, I was not being heard or deliberately ignored) he booked a long weekend where we spent our honeymoon... A thoughtful gesture, only we are also bringing the kids, and quite frankly we don't have the money to GO on vacation right now. So not only will it not be relaxing, as I'll still have to be Mommy and watch my kids like a hawk at a water park (they can't swim yet, so my anxiety will be through the roof - plus my instability in the water is pretty bad - all my braces have to come off) but then I'll have to worry about how this is going to effect our finances for the next couple months too.

His mother brought up that she heard we were going on vacation, and that she was excited about it. I told her I wasn't so sure about it, and she looked shocked. She rattled off the list of all the fun things there are to do and I just clinched my teeth and said "You're absolutely right, Hubby and the kids are going to have a great time." She sighed heavily and said "You know Mer, sometimes you just have to go along for the ride." I got so angry, I practically shouted "No, sometimes I have to be the only fucking fiscally responsible adult in the house and it is utterly exhausting. If we can't afford to go to Disney in the spring with the rest of you guys, we can't afford to go on a long vacation anywhere else either! Maybe I can schedule to have our heat and electricity shut off while we're out of town, since they are about to do it anyways..." She just looked at me like I had slapped her (well, I verbally did I guess) and my sister-in-law chimed in that it was time for a topic change as the tension in the room had gone through the roof. I said I was sorry and just looked at the ground.

I am ALWAYS the bad guy.

My father-in-law quietly said after "you know, I agree with you." It was a little validating to have someone on my side, but it was also so uncomfortable being there after my little outburst. I left shortly after.

Running away on a mini vacation is not going to make "this" go away, nor is it going to make it any easier for me. And undoubtedly, Hubby will set some deadline that the house has to be "completely clean" before we go anywhere, adding additional stress to what is supposed to be a fun thing. But since I'm the one saying this is a bad idea, or that we should think about rescheduling or something, I'M THE BAD GUY.

I'm not the bad guy, I'm the adult in this situation. In every situation.

I really need to take a huge step back from my life and really take a hard look at what is adding ridiculous stress to my life. If it's something I can change, I'll change it. If it's something that is unwilling to compromise or listen, maybe its time to let it go. Something has got to give, and I'm just tired of feeling like the only one who is bending/breaking.

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