Sunday, February 24, 2013

Feeling a Little Lost

Depression has not been my friend lately. Yesterday I spent 80% of the day in bed. Not moving, just sleeping or crying or just laying there, staring off into space.

It was a bad pain day, both physically and emotionally.

My daughter was inquiring if the dogs are going to die. Hubby handled it pretty well, telling her that yes, someday they will... That dogs just don't live as long as people do. She cried. I wasnt even there, and it completely triggered a shut down for me... I'm not going to live as long either. How am I supposed to explain to my children, my babies, that I'm not likely to see them have children of their own? I know anyone can go at anytime... I know that no one knows how long they have. But I'm also tired of living in limbo. I'm not "happy" and haven't been for a long time.

We start couples therapy next week. I'm excited and soooooooooooo nervous. Tools for coping...

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