Friday, October 9, 2020

A long day

 This morning started with my first covid test. At work we had a patient come in while awaiting covid test results... she found out she was positive. So me and my coworkers were considered "direct contact" risk, and had to take a test. The test itself wasn't so bad. 

The results of the rapid test were negative, but I have to return in 5 days for a secondary test. 

It was emotional and overwhelming. 

Then my aunt died. I knew she had had a massive stroke and was unresponsive, but a death is never easy. The family has decided against a funeral or memorial, so Im not really sure what to do with my mounting grief. There just seems to be so much of it. 

Oh, and my sons fish died. Im not sure why, but it wasn't pretty and it was just the straw that broke the camels back. I haven't been able to cry today, and I don't know when I will, but today just felt so... heavy. 

Here is Jack the fish from just a few days ago. Alive and well and happily playing in a flowy plant.

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