Monday, April 20, 2020


I recently finished reading Glennon Doyle's Untamed. To say it was moving is such an understatement. I've read plenty of "I am woman, hear me roar" self help books, but this one felt... different. My reaction was different. More intense. More aware. More open to ideas of how to best move forward with changing the dynamic of my family - and having it all be okay in the end. 

"When a woman finally learns that pleasing the world is impossible, she becomes free to learn how to please herself."
"The truest, most beautiful life never promises to be an easy one. We need to let go of the lie that it's supposed to be."
"The building of the true and beautiful means the destruction of the good enough. Rebirth means death."
"I guess women have to almost die before we give ourselves permission to live how we want."
"What is better: uncomfortable truth or comfortable lies? Every truth is a kindness, even if it makes others uncomfortable. Every untruth is unkindness, even if it makes others comfortable."
"So I must live and tell my truth. Folks will come around or quit coming around. Either way: lovely."
These are just some of the words that moved me in this book.

I too must live and tell my truth. I've taken small steps. I've taken big steps. But I have a huge leap to make and I can't wait any longer. Well, I sorta have to with the courts all being closed, but everything is ready. The paperwork. My heart. My courage. I know exactly where I want my story to go - and I know how to get there.

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