Monday, October 22, 2018

More Transitions

The company I work for is closing. They let us all know we are out of a job with an extremely insensitive and ridiculously unprofessional email. An EMAIL.

October 31st. Didnt even give us a full 2 weeks notice. No severance. No nothing.

So ridiculous.

I'm no longer angry. I've transitioned into the helping of others. I'll fall apart about it later. Ive also been applying to jobs like gangbusters, so hopefully something comes up.

I am so lucky to have the support of my friends and family throughout this whole thing. I'm getting used to how quickly everything can change. In a heartbeat, it could all be gone.

So tell the people you love that you love them. Give your babies that last "I'm stalling" hug goodnight. Tell your family you appreciate them. Tell your friends you're grateful they are your people.

Do it.

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