Saturday, August 18, 2018


I have not abandoned my blog! I have just been refocused on my growth in a different way. I've really committed myself to working through my issues, and I've been journaling in a book, rather than here. Maybe someday I'll transpose it all to here, but for now there are some parts of my self discovery that I am keeping selfishly to myself.

Breaking away from my codependent processes has not been easy, but at least I'm trying. I've found a local CoDA chapter that I really click with. I've been working through the activities of Codependent No More. I've continued my daily meditations, my angel cards, and have swapped out my daily readings of The Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo for The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie.

Today's message gave me chills. Heres a portion:

Come back home to yourself. Come back home to the present moment. We will not change things by escaping or leaving the moment. We will change things by surrendering to and accepting the moment.

The notion of "home" has plagued me for as long as I can remember. That the only place I felt like I was home was in MN, and I have subsequently been told I cant "come home." Not to where I was comfortable and safe, anyways.

I'm learning to find the home within myself. To stop putting so much power into other peoples hands. My happiness is none of their business, nor is theres any of mine. I have to put my Faith and my Trust in Myself. God help me...

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