Saturday, August 4, 2018


I'm practicing detachment. To step back from people and situations to let them handle their own issues with dignity, while I focus on pursuing my own inner peace.

It is not easy for me.

The compulsion to reach out, the nearly frantic obsessive thoughts wondering what happens next, when will I hear from him again... The reality is I may never hear from him... and I have to really accept the fact that, even if that is the case, I will be okay. I thought it was bothering me because I needed closure, that I was feeling used and abandoned. But I read a quote today that gave me pause:

"When removing yourself from toxic relationships, the compulsion to reach out has nothing to do with closure, but more to do with your addiction to that person. As wounds start to heal, they become itchy. Resist the urge to scratch."

I am resisting. It's so hard, but I'm really trying. I haven't reached out since Wednesday morning. I've been an utter wreck, but I'm trying to practice respectful detachment. For my own sanity.

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