Monday, August 5, 2013

Post Op Appt

Just got in from my latest post op appointment with Dr Rohde. Have I mentioned how much I like her? Cuz I do. She gets my weird humor and gives it to me straight. My kinda Doctor!

Today I actually asked if I could have copies of my xrays and asked if I had her permission to use her name in this little blog o' mine. She gave an enthusiastic "yes!" and even asked for the URL. So if you're reading, Doc, "hi!"

It was a pretty straight forward appointment. Cast cut off, arm xrayed, follow up with the doctor. Its not quite where she wants to see it, so the cast is ace bandaged back on until I can get it splinted. She had suggested using one of my old ones... but they all have a bend in the wrist, and I no longer do. So custom splint it is!

I popped over to hands/OT after my appointment and gave them my script and scheduled my appointment for tomorrow. Then I will be FREE from this cast! YIPPEE!!!!

So progress is being made and I'm a happier camper than I was the other day. Pain still sucks, but it's gradually getting better.

Here's my show and tell moment!

Alrighty, first set of x-rays are pre-op (before my surgery). I was nice and put the left on the left side, and the right on the right side. SO! The right side is a fairly normal/healthy wrist. The left side is pretty jacked up. From the side you can see how my metatarsals (hand bones) are not lined up with my radius and ulna (forearm bones). There is a definite disconnect when you compare them side by side.

The dysfunction is even more obvious looking from the top down. Look at my right hand. You can see all my little carpals (wrist bones) lined up nice and pretty. Then look at the left - they are all over the place! Some are even up on top of the others! Definitely not quite right...

And here we have it... The postop (after surgery) final product. This is my wrist. My hardware. My plate and 8 screws. My hand is crazy atrophied (where the muscle shrinks away from disuse), so it is super skinny. My middle finger metatarsal is also slightly crooked to the left, so it gives my hand a slight bend to the outside... but I suspect as I build the muscle back up in my hand, it will flesh out and not be so noticeable.

There you have it, folks. I'll post pics tomorrow if my splint is finished.

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