Saturday, July 13, 2013

Post Op - 2 weeks

Here we are, 2 weeks post op.

I'll be completely frank. This surgery SUCKED. Pain management was really an issue for the first 5 days... but everything is under control and I am completely off prescription pain medications. Yay. There were several nights tho that I really was having a hard time... I feel very lucky that I had one of my best guy friends to talk to at 3am on several occasions, otherwise I may have gone mad.

So this begins my journey of learning how to use my arm/hand all over again. Everything is going to be different on that side... Everything.

Heres a couple pictures for those who are curious. If not, scroll quick. ;)

Shortly after surgery. Very swollen and uncomfortable. 

11 days post op - bandages come off and incision is revealed. Its lovely!

Detail of incision. Internal sutures and dermabond (skin adhesive glue)

I went with a nice black cast this time... Black goes with everything and is slimming, right? ;)

As for the actual surgery... Doc said it was "jacked up" in there, and she feels 100% confident this was the best choice. I'm also her youngest wrist fusion to date. I asked if that earned me a metal... "Why yes," she said. "Its in your arm!"

Very clever... ;D

I was missing cartilage in some spots, had mutating cartilage in others... it was just a mess. Now it will be so much better!

OH! I've also started the application process for disability. No clue how that will pan out, but I gotta give it a try.

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