Friday, November 5, 2021

Moving Along... Slowly

 Well, here we are in November. Not much has changed on the divorce front. D continues to ignore any legal proceedings, I continue to get everything done that my lawyer requests. It really does feel like the ultimate group project that you just KNEW from the beginning you'd be stuck doing a majority of the legwork over. He refused to complete court ordered documents... and told my lawyer that he does not think a divorce is in anyones best interest. He also told my lawyer that he was offended that she addressed him with "Good Morning" in an email... He doesn't even realize that he is digging himself into the ground. Judges do NOT like having their time wasted... and he is definitely wasting everyone's time. 

My goal was to keep things amicable - to try to come to some kind of compromise over parenting time and cost of living and all of it. He has no idea that by refusing to work with me on this, he's ultimately leaving everything up to me... which... isn't surprising given the track record. I'm the one to submit all the requested documents and statements. I'm the one who attended the co-parenting class mandated by the Friend of the Court... TWICE. I'm also the one who figured out a way to save up to pay a lawyer... All of the adulting has landed firmly on my shoulders, so why on earth would I even think for a second it would be any different through these proceedings? I'm feeling pretty foolish right now. 

Thanksgiving makes me want to hurl. It used to be my favorite holiday, but this year D is making the emphasis of it all about "our family" and "being together as a family" and just going over the top with his bullshit. In years passed we agreed to alternate years - traditional vs going out for Italian with his family. He decided all on his own that since "Thanksgiving is your favorite holiday, we should do it your way." I'm sorry, but since WHEN has doing anything "my way" ever been a consideration?? Oh that's right, after I've already filed for divorce. THAT's when my families traditions become even remotely important. Right. Got it. 

Since I made the unilateral decision to file for divorce, he has made the unilateral decision how we will be spending Thanksgiving... Or so he thinks anyways. We will see how the next couple weeks pan out. 

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