Saturday, July 25, 2020

Took Flight

2 weeks ago I mailed my contribution to my sisters Cranes for Community Healing project. 300 cranes. 300 cranes that were thoughtfully and carefully folded by myself and a couple contributions by my kids, J, and his daughter. I strung them on thread and carefully packed them in a box. Off to Denver they flew!

I have not stopped folding cranes. 

I am working on the next 1,000 that I intend to give as a gift. Granted I've slowed down considerably (I was folding 20+ a day) but I still fold a couple a day. They keep me grounded. An outlet for stress. 


I return to work on Monday. First time back since March. To say I'm concerned and nervous is an understatement. I feel completely sick to my stomach. I'm taking my rescue remedy, but I'm having trouble sleeping on the couch. I cant help but feel like this isn't the right time for me to return. But I also feel like I dont have a choice. 

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