Friday, November 8, 2019

Walks Among the Stones

I made a joke about having one foot in the grave to a friend recently, to which they said I was being silly. "Dont forget, I have an open, candid, and almost warm relationship with Death."

"Ah yes. Your walks among the stones..."

That... wasnt at all what I meant or was referring to, but it moved me nonetheless. I DO love my walks among the stones. I've spent a bit of time with my friend David's headstone. I never make a public announcement, I dont throw things out into the spotlight of social media, I just spend some time with him privately and then go about my day.

I miss my friend, but I'm also thankful for a place to "visit him" outside of my own mind.


I've withdrawn from social media. I've withdrawn from posting here. But I havent withdrawn from living life... in fact the opposite is true. I've been working at a job I love for just over a month now. Im excited to go to work each day. Im excited to learn new things. I'm appreciated for my efforts. It's an incredible feeling.

I've met someone. LOCAL. And they are incredibly emotionally supportive, thoughtful, open to communication, funny, positive, and has a similar outlook to life that I do. I really really like them and can see myself in a long term relationship. One that actually works and is healthy!

I've started painting again. Dreaming again. Swimming again. Getting myself into a good place.

I'm happy

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