Sunday, May 19, 2019

Off and Running! (Well, Walking)

I've made a couple smoothies, both of which I would consider successful. I find myself randomly craving water, which has NEVER happened before, and I exceeded my 6,000 step goal for the day. I managed to get a little sun burned, but it was a good day. The wind in my hair, the spray of the waves crashing cooling my skin, a chance encounter with a swan. I was close enough to touch it... but rather than behave like an arrogant human, I thanked it for sharing its space with me as I walked by. It didnt even hiss at me, just stretched and resumed preening.

Physically I feel the same. My left knee blew up to about the size of a softball after all the walking, and I had to soak in an Epsom bath. But my mental state feels better. Clearer. I've created some space to work some things out with less distraction or interruption, and I've needed that to focus on me.

It's not selfish. Its self care.  

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