Friday, January 18, 2019

Employed At Last... sorta

After a pretty significantly frustrating and disappointing 2 weeks on the job hunt front, I have found myself returning to employment for my boss in MN. It is temporary. It is part time. It is remote. But "temporary" with him could easily become 6 months, as it did last year. I have also offered to come to MN once a month to do any in house scanning and filing that needs to be completed. He is sending me a new computer tower, so that I will have access to the VPN (which I didnt have before and cut my productivity in half). My goal is to prove that we can make this work permanently.

So now I have a project of tidying up my desk, prepping my workspace to be a functional office again, and being thankful for another opportunity to have a steady income. I have been so blessed to be helping at the chiropractor, but I also know that position is drawing to a close quite rapidly. I am grateful for the experience and the money!


I have made the decision that I am going to be my healthiest (and hottest!) on my 40th birthday. I have started the painfully slow process of working my way up to proper cardio, without injuring myself. It's slow, but I have completed day 2 of 30 minutes of daily dedicated exercise. I've recommitted myself to a more structured and healthy diet. I am limiting myself to 1 cup of coffee per day. I want to be the healthiest I have ever been.

It's a good feeling.

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