Saturday, November 17, 2018


Our being has a tendency towards wholeness and health. If you fall and scrape your knee, your body will heal itself. But first we have to clean the wound, and get all the dirt out, so our body can properly repair. In a similar way, our consciousness wants to heal itself, but it has a tendency to be overactive. Like dirt in a wound, the active mind prevents us from healing and coming into our wholeness. When we meditate and quiet our mind, and see things objectively, we begin the process of untangling our thoughts and cleaning our mental space so our psyche can begin it's healing process. As Rachel Naomi Remen once stated, "Silence is a place of great power and healing." So look to your practice as a restorative place, where you can start to heal wounds, new and old. Get silent, go within, and let the body and mind repair. 

I'm beginning to really understand how much healing can take place within silence. Often, I hide from it. This week I'm learning to embrace it. Rather than fussing and fretting about what everyone else is thinking or feeling, I'm focusing a little more inward, and pondering more on what I'm thinking and feeling! Crazy, I know! Now that I've identified some pretty toxic behaviors I subject myself too, I'm working on breaking away from those behaviors. Stepping away from the need to put myself down. Setting down the angry rocks labeled "abandonment" or "betrayal" that I have been hurling at phantom figures in my mind. Those figures just swirl away into mist as my stones wiz through them, simply a mirage. I'm expending energy STILL on being upset, angry, and hurt... and for what? It doesn't make me feel better. 

"It hurts because it mattered..."

Well I wish it didn't matter so much. I want to just let it all go. Release the negativity into the universe and have it fucking stay out there!! But that isn't really healing then, is it... I have to scrub the wound clean before it can really begin to heal. I've been stuck in the swearing because it fucking hurts phase long enough. Swearing and being mad and flailing around and poking at it doesn't heal the wound. Scrubbing it out, giving it time, and not fucking picking at it is what heals the wound. 

I have the rest of my life to look forward to. I'm not going to let a few minor setbacks derail my progress. I am the master of my fate.

And it's going to be incredible. 

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