Wednesday, June 26, 2019


I've never been very good at asking for what I want. For demanding what I feel I deserve. Not at work. Not in platonic relationships. Not in romantic relationships. I have always just accepted what I was handed, harboring secret (and not so secret) resentment along the way. I ran away to MN under the shadow of a lie to go where I wanted and to be with whom I wanted. I was dishonest, but I put myself first. I didnt go about it the right way.

But I learned from that experience. I came clean. I opened up. I embraced honesty at whatever cost. I survived.

This week I had an interview. It went exceptionally well. I received an offer that was "okay," but not mind blowing by any means. I turned in my 2 week notice and for the first time was offered a counter. "What will it take to keep you here? We dont want to lose you."

So I said what I wanted.

And I got it. No strings attached.

I put it out there what I needed and it was given to me.


Things are turning around. Big things are brewing. Things beyond all imagination. I deserve so much more... this is just the beginning!

Thursday, June 6, 2019

2 Weeks Vegan

2 weeks vegan! I've lost 6 lbs, my psoriasis is essentially gone, and I'm feeling pretty positive about this lifestyle. I'm not craving anything in particular and I think this transition was easier than I expected.

I still am experiencing joint pain, and I'm emotionally out of whack, but that might be due to the continued detox process. My days feel more stressful, but there isnt anything in particular causing it. I'm just... overwhelmed.

But! I'm focusing on self care. I did my first float therapy session and it was incredible. I bought 2 more. I loved feeling weightless and held. I'm looking forward to trying it again soon.

I'm exhausted and going to bed. I'll update more soon.