Friday, April 5, 2013

Another Year Gone By...

Yesterday was my birthday. I haven't decided yet how I feel about it. On the one hand, its no big deal - just another day passing. On the other, it's my one day of "recognition" from my family/friends... and it was a text message kind of year. I'm not complaining... I appreciate being remembered at all. I just miss hearing peoples voices I guess...

I guess if I'm honest I'm feeling pretty low again. Getting sick totally took the wind out of my training sails and I have done almost nothing this week. Tho I did go to Belle Isle with the kids yesterday. They were pretty much grumps, so I didn't get to fully enjoy myself. (sigh) Oh well. At least I was out of the house and in the sunshine for a little bit.

Dinner was good. I ate entirely too much, but it was so yummy.

Disappointed that I'm still sick and have to cancel my plans for tonight... and probably my plans for tomorrow too.

Just another day passing...

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